The HP 8722D vector network analyzer characterizes RF and microwave components down to 50 MHz and up to 40 GHz. This analyzer includes a fast-sweeping synthesized source, S-parameter test set, tuned receiver, and large color display in a single package. The HP 8722D is an ideal choice for cost- and space-conscious engineers in research and development, manufacturing, incoming inspection, or quality assurance. High source power and high receiver sensitivity combine to give the HP 8722D 100 dB of dynamic range. Choose the optional high-power test and insert a booster amplifier to provide up to 20 watts at the test port, and safely measure 20 watts at the receiver port. The serial and parallel interfaces support modern printers and plotters, and the built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive supports both DOS and LIF formats. Electronic calibration (ECal) provides fast and simple calibration with a single connection, using the HP 85097A ECal PC Interface Kit and appropriate HP 85060 series calibration modules.
Features:- 50 MHz to 13.5, 20, or 40 GHz frequency coverage
- New processor makes measurements and data transfers up to seven times faster
- Fast-sweeping, built-in synthesized source
- Integrated solid-state switching S-parameter test set
- Vecter receiver, error correcton, time domain
- Up to 105 dB dynamic range